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Harshu467's github profile

Ecomerce website where user can view various products.

PWA Movie App

dev-AshishRanjan's github profile

A progressive Movie App with live data feeds from TMDB with two themed Movie Description


junaid-arif-24's github profile

This is an Online Food Ordering Website that enables users to order food from the comfort of their home.

App Landing Page

Sushilverma002's github profile

An App landing page which shows the features of your app on website.


parasss19's github profile

A ming-googling guessing game. Computer genarate random number between 1 to 100 and you have to two choices Easy and Hard to guess it in minimum number of attempts

NFT Market

Harshu467's github profile

Master React Native by building a modern NFT Marketplace iOS and Android #ReactNative Application

React PWA Starter Template

nc1z's github profile

Opinionated React PWA Starter built with Create-React-App, MUI and Firebase

Email Client Appilication using python

BALASARVAN12's github profile

There are two methods provide different capabilities for sending emails. The first approach allows you to send a single email, while the second approach expands on that by reading email data from a CSV file and sending bulk emails.

Note Application

Snach13's github profile

Here is the android clean architecture based Note taking application take a look off it !!


Prajwal0225's github profile

Find images of your favorite superhero by typing ⌨️ their name into the search bar.